Monday, July 28, 2008

10 Commandments for Classy Girls

I came across a great article today on, courtesy of author Doug Giles. Entitled "Ten Commandments for Classy Girls", the article shines a much-needed spotlight on today's not-so-modest teenage girls, the parents who lack the backbone to curb the behavior that leads to such tendencies, and the plastic culture that encourages these girls to embrace their sexual dysfunctionality as a symbol of "self-empowerment."

Why are parents so surprised when - after forgoing their parental responsibilities and entrusting the development of their children to the "flower power" moral degenerates of yesteryear - their children turn into insufferable little brats? And why are these parents so surprised when the aforementioned degenerates of yesteryear keep cramming measures down our throats that make it increasingly more difficult to hold our children accountable for bad behavior?

As the old saying goes, you lose your right to complain when you refuse to act. No one is more fond of reciting this saying than the "nanny state" politicians and lobbyists who enact measure after measure specifically designed to make it harder for parents to take decisive action that is in the best interest of their children. The best action we can take is to vote out the politicians who insist on trying to raise our children for us. And while we're at it, let's make sure that the role models our children embrace are honorable, self-sacrificing, and virtuous and not the latest of the shallow, self-absorbed, and scandal-plagued MTV divas. But I digress...

Read the article; and if you have a daughter that is either a teenager or is destined to become one, have them read it too. God bless!

In Jesus and Mary,


Richard Lamb said...

I wonder when they will come out with one for boys

Gerald Lamb said...

I think it's appropriate to start with the girls. They tend to do a better job of keeping guys in line than vice versa.