Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Planned Parenthood Opposes Conscientious Objector Clause for Medical Providers...Again

No need to explain this one. You can read the article here, courtesy of

This multi-billion dollar business/special interest group continues to clamor for tax-payer funds to promote ideas most taxpayers find abominable, and while pretending to protect and promote "free choice" continue their crusade to deny the first amendment rights of anyone who does not wish to participate in their demonic ritual of human sacrifice.

Liberal politicians continue to throw money at Planned Parenthood, pretending it is some kind of "charitable organization."

The only thing anyone should be throwing at Margaret Sanger's brainchild is holy water. God bless!

In Jesus and Mary,


Richard Lamb said...

They also oppose the "Choose life tags in every state that has them. They are not about choice, if they were they would have o objection to having sonograms performed as part of the decision making process. These people are no more about choice than the slave holders were regarding their "property"

Jonathan Knox said...

Pro-choice, unless you're pro-life.