Saturday, July 12, 2008

Requiescat In Pace, Tony Snow

Tony Snow, the Catholic journalist who was best known as White House Press Secretary for the Bush 43 administration, died at 2:00 this morning from complications stemming from a lengthy bout with colon cancer. He was 53 years old.

I will not rehash here today what so many others have already said in the last few hours (you can also go here to read the touching tribute my brother posted on his blog). Instead, I will mention what - besides his undying devotion to his wife and three children - most impressed me about the man: namely, his penchant for cutting through the spin and getting to the heart of the matter. He was a man who called the media on their many mis-characterizations of current events, and always managed to maintain good humor in the process (his press conference exchanges with the liberal reporter Helen Thomas are already the stuff of legend, and some of the most entertaining dialog you will ever come across). He held the media accountable for its words and actions in a way that precious few others have (and many, many others should have done) over the years. I was extremely disappointed to see him leave the position of Press Secretary after only a year and half; but given his personal circumstances, it was perfectly understandable.

His death came as a shock to me, because everything I'd heard in the last year indicated he was successfully battling the cancer. But he did not want his turn for the worse to be made public. I don't know much about his Catholic faith, but if the manner in which he bore his crosses is any indication, he was a man of heroic virtue; and I pray that when my time comes I will be able to meet him in Heaven. In the meantime, I join my prayers to all those already offered up for the repose of his soul and for the consolation of his family.

Tony Snow, Requiescat In Pace!


Richard Lamb said...

I too thought he was beating this. It is perhaps that, that put me in such as funk today. There is a sence of what could have been and un-archieved potential

Gerald Lamb said...

I know what you mean, although I think he did more with the time and talent he was given than most of us will accomplishment with a lot more time and a lot less talent.

I really want to know more now about his Catholic faith, because I've been hearing more and more about how he spoke of his suffering as bringing him closer to God. I wonder if this might constitute sufficient grounds to deem his life one of heroic virtue.

Daniela said...

Ah, I may be of some assistance. Tony Snow gave the commencement address at my graduation from Catholic University last year. The transcript is to be found here:

He speaks explicitly about faith while discussing commitment.

[And yet, regrettably, I do not see my quite identifiably Catholic alma mater listed under the "Catholic Universities" list... Heavy Sigh.]

Gerald Lamb said...

Fr. O'Connell is definitely taking things in the right direction, but there are still obstacles to my being able to endorse Catholic University without reservation. No doubt part of your *heavy sigh* is in acknowledgement of this fact?