Monday, July 28, 2008

Barack Obama on Abortion: the Basics

A brief summary from the National Right to Life Committee about Barack "The Great Uniter" Obama's unconditional opposition to any measure that can even remotely be construed as benefiting unborn children. The summary can be found here.

Obama's callousness towards the unborn is nothing short of bone chilling. Make no mistake about it: if this man becomes President, the pro-life movement will have a "War on Terror" of its own to wage.

I've always found it humorous that my Microsoft Outlook spell checker does not recognize the word "Obama," and always offers "Osama" as an alternate spelling. There are those who would caution me to tread carefully when making that point, but really: who among the two should be more offended by the comparison? After all, Bin Laden may be working to destroy the blessings of liberty the Constitution secures "to ourselves;" but Obama is just as zealously working to destroy the blessings of liberty the Constitution secures "to our posterity."


Richard Lamb said...

Ironically, I think Osama as the good little radical Muslim that he is would probably be opposed to abortion, of course Hitler had a tender heart for Dogs too.

Gerald Lamb said...

Still trying to find what Obama has a tender heart for. My guess is its currently lying in stasis in Red Square...

Richard Lamb said...

I think think it looks at him in the mirror in the morning