Friday, July 18, 2008

3rd District Court Denies Christians the Right to Act Like Christians Around Homosexual Militants

From World Net Daily.

PHILADELPHIA, PA: 11 Christian demonstrators were arrested for peacefully protesting "Outfest," a publicly-funded annual celebration of the homosexual lifestyle. The "criminal" charges were promptly dismissed as "having no basis in fact" by a local judge (who, aside from the so-called "Philadelphia 11," appears to be the only person of sound mind involved in this whole sorry episode). The 11 Christians immediately sued the city for damages as a result of their treatment.

But the 3rd District Court - a dreary place since Justice Samuel Alito moved on to bigger and better things - decided that the city was within its rights to deprive Christians of their civil rights so a bunch of hypersensitive amoral sexual degenerates could be spared the "trauma" of being reminded that their lifestyle is inherently sinful.

Anyone still think that the homosexual rights movement is compatible with Christianity? Or, for that matter, compatible with a free and democratic society?

If you still think the answer is yes, then perhaps I can interest you in some beach front property in Tibet...

Once, again, to quote Mark Shea, it's not enough to simply tolerate the homosexual lifestyle. YOU. MUST. APPROVE.

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