Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Wage Of Sin Is Death. The Wage Of The Death Of He Who Was Without Sin? Life.

True love never comes without a cross to bear; but it also brings such joy as to make all the suffering worthwhile.

It is only fitting, then, that the greatest love came with the greatest cross to bear. Our Lord suffered, died, and was buried on a Friday afternoon.

It is even more fitting that beyond the greatest cross lay the greatest joy. On Sunday morning, Our Lord proved that death itself could not diminish divine love or divine joy.

When Christ arose, He not only conquered death, He enabled all of creation to enjoy life anew. The new Adam redeemed all that the original Adam had corrupted.

For us, of course, it isn't quite that simple. We lack the power to conquer death on our own. But on this day, the greatest act of love in all of eternity came to final fruition; and He who is love invited us all to embrace Him in the embrace that brings everlasting life. But it is for us to exercise our God-given free will to embrace Him freely; and to pray that on the day death takes us from this life, that we may die in His embrace and be brought before the eternal beatific glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ is risen today! Alleluia!!!

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