Saturday, April 11, 2009

Please Pray For Persecuted Catholic Journalist Robert Kumpel

The worst part of this story is that Kumpel is being unjustly persecuted by an unforgiving and unrelenting Catholic bureaucracy, and that this bureaucracy apparently has the backing of the local Bishop, who has upheld the measures taken against Kumpel. You can find the details of the story in the following story background blog post from the Roman Catholic blog, a personal testimonial from Mr. Kumpel in a Renew America article, and through a blog post from The Curt Jester blog.

To hold a grudge against someone (though it runs counter to the Christian call to forgive) is one thing. To deny access to daily Mass and the Sacraments to someone who has done nothing to warrant de facto interdict or excommunication is quite a different story. God bless!

In Jesus and Mary,

1 comment:

Dan said...

Please contact Robert Kumpel's Bishop here:

Also, one can find the contact information for the attorney representing the Bishop here:

Let them know how you feel.