Friday, May 30, 2008

Proof that the post-Vatican II seminarian screening process has left a lot to be desired...

While it's always fun to see liberals turn on one of their own (how dare Hillary continue to defy "His Electability," anyway?), as a Catholic one can't help but be profoundly disturbed by the fact that this man answers to the name "Father".


Jonathan Knox said...

What the heck is a Catholic priest doing preaching in a Protestant church? That's what I want to know. I'm glad Cardinal George has said something.

Gerald Lamb said...

Good question. My question is: what the heck is this particular priest doing preaching in ANY church?

Unknown said...

What bugs me is that as a Catholic I must still give this man deference and at the very least call him reverend

Richard Lamb said...

Why is this Priest still wearing a Roman Collar and being rewarded with a 2 week vacation?