Thursday, May 29, 2008

Bobby Jindal for Vice-President?

I have to admit, this is about the only thing John McCain could do right now to get me excited about - as opposed to merely being resigned to - the prospect of voting for the Republicans at the top of the ticket come November. I'll probably do it anyway, because the thought of Barack Obama selecting the next two or three Supreme Court justices sends cold shivers down my spine. Still, the thought of having the devoutly Catholic young Governor of Louisiana as the Republican heir apparent in 2012 or 2016 would be a very exciting prospect indeed. Michael Medved apparently agrees.

As time goes along, I'll post more and more about this remarkable young politician. There are very few politicians I respect, much less admire; but the more I see of Jindal the more impressed I am with him. I just pray that more politicians like him come along in the near future. God bless!

In Jesus and Mary,

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