Wednesday, June 4, 2008

5 Questions Concerning So-called "Hate Crimes" Legislation

1) Is there such a thing as a "love crime"?

2) What is the definition of such a crime, if it exists?

3) Do such crimes, if they exist, deserve lighter penalties?

4) Can it be proven that such crimes, if they exist, are committed almost exclusively (or even predominantly) against white, heterosexual Christians?

5) Can any supporter of so-called "hate crimes" legislation who is incapable of answering the above questions in the affirmative (or, more disturbingly, if they can) be considered capable of rational discourse?


Richard Lamb said...

Some Might Concider Crimes against White, Heterosexual, Christians as in themselves beeing Love Crimes, perhaps the very people that advocate Hate Crime Legislations

Gerald Lamb said...

the phrase "love crime" would still beg a definition, one I imagine PC types want no part in supplying